Bacteria, mold, and other fungi can cause premature aging, rotting, and/or granule loss to your shingles
These organisms actually feed on the components of the shingle and can embed roots into them
These organisms retain moisture and keep your roof from reflecting sunlight - in short, they impede your roof’s ability to function as it was designed
Removing these organisms that are damaging your roof greatly extends its life span
Most asphalt-shingle roofs are made to last up to 20 years or longer, BUT factors like these organisms greatly reduce this life span
The good news is that these organisms and their dark stains can quickly be removed to return the performance and life span to your roof
Studies reveal that, in the U.S., nearly half of all shingle roofs are replaced because of the way that they look, not because they have structural damage, unnecessarily costing the homeowner thousands of dollars
Helps Your Entire House Look Great
Removing the dark stains can make your roof look new again in one day
If you had a roof repair with shingles replaced, cleaning the roof helps them blend in, and in many cases, the repair is indistinguishable from the rest of the roof
If you are planning to sell your house, a clean roof provides one of the best ROI’s that you can make
Helps Maintain a Healthy Environment
Remediating your roof of these airborne organisms helps to keep them from migrating into your home and HVAC systems